HJM Asia Cajola


Cajola & Associati and HJM Asia Law entered into a partnership as HJM Asia & Cajola in September 2008 with the aim of providing a legal bridge between Europe and Asia, drawing on more a combined experience of over [] years.

Since then, HJM Asia & Cajola have assisted hundreds of individual and commercial clients in navigating the European / China marketplace whilst providing a dedicated ‘in house counsel’ approach to all legal and compliance needs.

Based in Guangzhou China, HJM Asia Law is a boutique law firm that combines in-depth knowledge of Asian legal systems with a western understanding of the way of doing business. As well as China, HJM Asia Law can assist clients needs in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Cajola & Associati has a tradition of excellence as to the quality of legal services provided to its clients and has been ranked by the European Legal 500 as one of the leading firms in Italy.